The journey to Haiti officially begins...
Words can hardly describe my thoughts lately about all that God has done to get us to this place of "reckless abandon" to His work full time in orphan care! Though our path to Haiti specifically has just begun, He has been faithfully guiding us through some treacherous territory the past few years, in order to get to that starting point.
My plans are to keep up, as well as I can, my personal journey on this blog from now on, while taking on the responsibility for updating the family one at the same time! Right now we are getting that one up & going this week, so watch for the "launch" of that one very soon! We'll see how it goes to do both for a little while...?
I covet your prayers for energy & efficiency (sounds like a household appliance! lol) while we navigate the new waters of fundraising. I will continue to support the family until we are fully funded with my work for UHC. Ted will be taking over responsibilities for the guest house this fall. There are already 6 teams scheduled to be hosted there before the end of the year. Each of them is traveling down to provide much needed encouragement & support for the Haitian churches that are caring for orphans. We are hoping to move by mid-March in order to manage things in person, which will be much easier!
Pray also that I will sleep better. The beauty of being totally pain-free since recovering from my hysterectomy 3 months ago has only been marred by the fact that "insomnia" seems to be one of the classic symptoms of menopause!? Just when I thought I would be catching up on years of interrupted sleep...oh dear! I'm going to need it during this extended time of pray hard!!
Watch for more to come on our new blog roll out...both provide a place to subscribe if you'd like each post to come to your email for convenience.
Here's a preview of the title we voted on & developed...