Say Yes to.....?
Where do you draw the line when God asks something of you?
What would you say yes to?
To what would you give Him the answer:
"Are you crazy? Absolutely NOT happenin'!"
I was thinking about my own answers to those questions today & probably will be for some time.
This weekend I saw the facebook post of an old college friend (thanks, Sheila!). Now I'm on Day 2 of a new devotional series by Kay Warren (Saddleback Church).
It seemed like a good fit since:
1) The lessons are 5 minute video devotions.
2) She calls it a 30-day "ADVENTURE", &
3) It's about learning to say YES to God.
Why after saying "yes" to MOVING to HAITI...would I still need to work on that???
In my personal experience, deciding to obey & actually moving forward & doing it are sometimes two very different things. Have you ever asked one of your amazing children to do something for you? You know something they know they need to do for you, but just isn't all that enticing?
Has it ever played out like this in your home?
"Could you....., for me, please?"
"Sure, Mom"
"Great thanks, love"
"Oh and could you make sure that you take care of .... while you're at it too?"
"Yep, no problem, I got it."
"Well, don't forget, it's really, really important...."
"Nope, I won't."
"Great, thank you so much!"
Some time check back in w/ amazing kid, only to find out that the good intentions of obeying you that were "verbalized", have not actually "materialized"?
Yes, well, that is a "nice" version of me obeying God most days.
So, go to Haiti? Wow, that IS a tough one!
He's been at work for YEARS preparing me for not only be willing, but wholeheartedly agree to answer His call.
But what I've agreed to is still MY version of going to Haiti -- the scenario that I can picture in my head. In all reality it has probably been "edited" to my own tastes just a bit. It is possible, that His ideas may be a little different than mine & that the process of getting there, as well as life in Haiti, may have a few surprises.
In that light - YES - I am going to participate in Kay's loving "boot camp", just to make sure that I am ready to respond positively on a daily basis & (hopefully) even when those unexpected events come.
Since going back to work the past couple of years, I haven't been able to participate in any women's Bible studies. This one is finally simple enough to manage, but I'd love to have some company!! If you'd like to join me on this particular adventure, you can sign up to receive short daily video devotions here (
Let me know what "saying yes to God" looks like for you...
Anyone who has time for some online fellowship, please message me on facebook & let's set up time to "chat"!
just say...YES!
ps: IPhone users - there is even an app for you!