Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Side Trip" notes.

Not that I wouldn't have been thankful in all things that are the will of God, but I am particularly happy & thankful to say that my surgery went well. The MD found NO CANCER!! and I seem to be slowly on the mend. I say slow, it hasn't been two weeks yet, and I'm off all pain meds, but just not quite back to feeling myself .

The computer has been my bedside friend this past week, since my mind has been way more active than my body! So that has been a help. T & I have been able to spend some good time working on orphan care details and planning while I've been lounging around. Our social worker called this past week as well, and we are going to start the homestudy update process...just to be ready wherever God leads next with adoption. However, to top it all off, from my recovery bed we have begun applying for a new overseas opportunity in full time ministry that has come up!

Can you say "New Frontiers"??? I had no idea one little "side trip" would be preparing me for so much more, but it may very well be that God expedited my need for surgery in order to be ready for something else He has in mind.

Please pray with us for His guidance and continued healing.

Also keep our kiddos in mind & in your prayers...
Tania Grace is still working hard to complete her college degree
Ana is living in Germany for the next year
Tynan is trying to finish raising/earning support for a 6 wk mission trip to France
Emma & Olivia are leaving Weds to work at Word of Life for the summer in upstate NY

Blessings as you all begin the busy summer season!! I pray you'll each find a time of rest as well.

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