Monday, August 27, 2007

Just call me...Sponge "Bec" Lead Pants!

Do you ever feel like your head is so full of new information that you are moving in slow motion on everything that normally comes easy?

Well, I am! I'm usually pretty good at multi-tasking, simplifying, streamlining, problem-solving, you-name-it...until recently. There is just SO much to learn, solve, plan and put into action with my writing, family issues, and general responsibilities that I'm feeling like a water-logged "sponge" lately. Try jogging in the pool sometime, and you'll know!

The only thing to do??? Learn to scuba dive, I guess! After all, swimming is FUN, right? Well, as long as you can still access that one little necessary element called OXYGEN--Gasp! If you're with me on this adventure then make sure you grab a tank of air, or in this case--"breath"!

I'm a huge fan of Rob Bell's NOOMA films. In one titled "Breathe", he explains that, "In the Bible, the word for 'breath' is the same as the word for 'spirit'." So I'm thinking a tank of God's Spirit, is just what I need to keep trolling along.

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." ~Romans 5:5

"But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding" ~Job 32:8

When things get tough believe me, I'm the first one sinking, sputtering, and flailing around. So in diving deeper lately, I'm beginning to realize that I don't need to tread water anymore, coming up gasping for breath...wide-eyed looking for help.
Nope, I just need to remember that God's spirit is the one giving me life and breath, even on those head-under-water days!

Trying to share as I learn,

(from Julie Taylor Gallery, South Florida Divers, Inc.)

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Unique Talent and Listening Treat!

My husband recently went to a simulcast version of the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. This was one of the musicians who performed. He came home and shared it with us, I'd like to share it with you!

Click here: Erik Mongrain-Air Tap

Happy Monday!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dwindling Summer Vacation Daze & Mom Tip #1

Summer always seems to go by as fast as it comes. Ours isn't quite over, but we can feel the end is near.

Last season we were vagabonds, camping, visiting, and living in temporary housing near family and friends in Northern CA. I worked at my early "birthing" grounds there on a temporary nursing contract while in between homes. Just another "Barlow" adventure! We zipped back to Texas in time for school to start, but our transient status hung around until we were able to locate and move into a new home late fall.

It was a bit of a stretch even for our adventurous standards, so by the time we settled back down, a year of recouperation went into effect.

This summer relaxation is the order of the day. We've enjoyed simple things: the beauty of nature around our new home... a pack of wild kittens pieced together from our neighbors' excess...nurturing and taming them into cuddlebugs ...out-of-town guests...horseback riding...blueberry picking...setting off our first annual overhead fireworks show...watching fireflies and meteor showers under the stars. Did I mention writing?? I've squeezed it in here and there along with my studies. Oh, and pies! Pies, pies and more pies, apple pies, berry pies, peach pies and more! The kids have come to expect fresh pie at least once a week, and will eat it as fast as I make it.

We've learned to enjoy everyday adventures as much as grand ones of the past.

Rebecca's Mom tip # 1-- "Simplify Life"--

--whenever and however you can. Some seasons are busy, others we make that way because we are just so used to it. Restoring the rhythm of family life is important, and slowing down is part of it.

Even Jesus himself took time for rest and worship and friendship. Knowing how short the future was, he could have rushed madly around healing as many people as possible 24 hours a day or teaching incessantly, but that wasn't what his Father called him to. He sent him here to restore "peace" in our world. He modeled that for us intentionally in his daily life and then topped it off with a redemptive lesson in sacrificial love.

Slow down...simplify...make pie!

Either the rhythm is naturally falling into place around here or this weeks' heat wave is finally getting to them, but my kids are actually getting EXCITED for school to start up in a few weeks--go figure?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Drrrruuum Rolllll....

I am pleased to announce that... "hippolyta" has just won a signed copy of "Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture" by Mary E. DeMuth!!!

Please send your address to me at: barlow(underscore)girlz(underscore)mom at yahoo dot com and I will get it in the mail immediately---CONGRATULATIONS!

I wish I could give a copy to each of you, because there is so much to enrich your parenting in this book. I hope that you will order a copy, borrow it from a friend, or do like I have: order it, read it, and then lend it to a friend!!